This first one is in need of a little context. On the white board in the band room, the teacher wrote that Dave Sharp would be here tomorrow, so I was like, "OMBS, Sharp!" and after class I changed the "ave" to "eryn", as you can see.
This next one is "The Elevator Scene" from Behemoth (by Scott Westerfeld). Or my version, at least. It sadly never made it on to the Westerblog, so it is here for your viewing pleasure:
And this third and last picture has nothing to do with LBG, but is my sister, brother, and I dressed up as elves on Christmas Eve with our Grandpa.
Top: Megan. Bottom: Scott, Grandpa, me.
That's it! No chapter 17 quite yet. I've got to let 16 mull over in your heads for a bit.